Актьорът Боян Арсов чете моето стихотворение "Целуна ме през маската"
"Остави на мира сърцето ми!"
сряда, 12 декември 2012 г.
Супер промоция на 12.12.12
Само на 12.12.12 г. супер промоция на романа OMG [Момчето, което искаше да убие Смъртта].
Всеки, който поръча книгата на e-mail на omg@dir.bg, получава с нея коледен подарък .
Само на 12.12.12.
понеделник, 3 декември 2012 г.
Аз съм роб
Гледам телевизия и някаква банка
ми рекламира като бонус - кредитна
карта. Но, хора, кредитната карта е робство, не бонус. Кредитите и кредитните
карти ни направиха алчни консуматори на печки, перални, телевизори, смартфони,
таблети и какво ли още не.
Но робството на банките не е
единственото. Аз съм роб на Топлофикация София, на Софийска вода, на ЧЕЗ и
другите монополни фирми, които ни вменяват, че сме длъжни да им плащаме като
феодални селяни, щом ни поискат пари, но ние нямаме никакви права – спират ни
водата и тока, когато си искат, с каквото решат обяснение или без никакви
обяснения. Но никоя от тях да ни е изплатила и 1 стотинка обезщетение за
причинено неудобство, оставяйки ни без вода например по цял ден (за студената) или по 45 до 60 дни (за топлата). И когато сменят тръбите, същите нови,
подменени тръби пак аварират след 2-3 седмици, а ние, робите, пак стоим без
Аз съм роб на мобилните
оператори. Плащаш им каквото си изговорил и каквото не си. Те могат да ти
пратят съдия изпълнител за несъществуваща сметка отпреди 11 години, въпреки, че
според решение на Върховния административен съд текущите плащания имат
3-годишна давност. И въпреки, че нямаш такова задължение. Но ако успеят да те
стреснат, защо да не ти вземат 100, 200 или 400 лв. за сметка отпреди 11 години
на стойност... 30 лв.
Аз съм роб и на Столична община.
Като гражданин нямам никакви права, само задължения. Длъжен съм да си
регистрирам и чипирам кучето, да му събирам изпражненията с торбичка, но
общината не ни дава градини за разхождане на кучетата, каквото има на Запад и в
не толкова далечен Бургас. А и не съм видял г-жа Й. Фандъкова да събира
изпражненията на уличните кучета.
Аз съм роб.
И нямам никакви права.
И това се случва в
най-свободомислещия 21 век, в който човешките права са нещо неоспоримо и свято.
Аз съм роб. Сложете ми вериги и
ме изпратете да въртя веслата в някоя римска галера.
неделя, 2 декември 2012 г.
Last Christmas
Миналата Коледа беше самотна.
Нямаше кой
да направи сарми,
нямаше кой
да омеси погача
нямаше кой
да подпали неволно
кърпата, с
която завихме погачата.
Коледа не се обади.
Нямаше sms,
картичка във Facebook.
Не си
спомни за мен
или поне не ми го показа.
или поне не ми го показа.
Тази Коледа
ужасно прилича на миналата.
Чак се чудя
да не са близнаци!...
И се чудя
дали още ме помниш.
Дали помниш
леглото ми,
вкуса на
устните ми
и топлината
на моето тяло
в студените
зимни нощи.
И цял живот
ли ще бъде така?
понеделник, 26 ноември 2012 г.
сряда, 21 ноември 2012 г.
Започна ГКП (Голямата Коледна Промоция)
Започна ГКП -
Голямата Коледната Промоция на романа
OMG [Момчето, което искаше да убие Смъртта].
За поръчки - mail omg@dir.bg.
Корична цена - 10 лв.
С всяка закупена книга - коледен подарък.
сряда, 14 ноември 2012 г.
Мила ми Венето (Марковска)
С извинение, по Ботев
Мила ми Венето (Марковска),
Ти толкова много искаш да станеш
конституционен съдия, че не те вълнува каква невероятна каша забърка в цялата
държава. Ти не се интересуваш от честта на съдебната система, ти гледаш само
себе си и тоя пост, който ще ти даде 9 години комфорт. Та 9 години мандат няма
нито премиерът на републиката, нито главният прокурор. Само патриархът (Бог да го прости Максим!) e доживотен.
Ти, Венето (Марковска), ще влезеш в най-нова история на държавата като първия човек, сътворил гаф,
който не е послушал съвета на министър-председателя да се оттегли. Ти искаш и в
Конституционния съд да показваш червените си костюмчета, състоящи се от сако и
пола. А помниш ли онази жена с голямата джувка? Нели Нешева, директор на
Здравната каса, дето и тя обичаше за си показва костюмчетата, но подаде
Мила ми Венето (Марковска), не карай пак София и Брюксел да си говорят през медиите заради тебе. Не
излагай и себе си, и държавата ни.
Иди си в онази къщичка край морето, ако има такава.
Почивай си от тая шумотевица, дето предизвика
по върховете на няколко власти – и законодателната, и съдебната, и изпълнителната.
Защото нали знаеш - когато гръм удари, как ехото заглъхва.
петък, 9 ноември 2012 г.
Лицемерна скръб на безбожен народ
скърби целият български народ в деня на национален траур по повод
смъртта на патриарх Максим. Хора, които според мен, ходят в църква само на Цветница и на
Коледа, се редят на опашки, за да видят ковчега с мъртвеца.
Какъв процент са истински вярващите българи? По-възрастните, които живяха в безбожния комунизъм, или по-младите, които живеят виртуално в социалните мрежи, палят се по паркур и пой (което всъщност не е никак лошо, аз харесвам паркур и пой).
християнската традиция за сбогуване с мъртвите, е садистично-мазохистична.
Излагането на показ мъртвеца в ковчега, вместо начин да му кажеш последно
„сбогом”, се превръща в безсмислен показ на едно безжизнено тяло.
му на този, който е живял 98 години! Но колкото повече е живял един човек –
толкова повече мъка е видял.
не е ли лицемерно да отдаваш последна почит някому, ако приживе не си го
уважавал и обичал. Ако приживе той не е чул добра дума от теб, ако не е видял в
очите ти радостта, ако не е усетил съпричастност в ръкостискането ти. Какво му
даваш с това, че когато той вече си е отишъл от този свят, заставаш пред
ковчега му, скланяш глава и целуваш безжизненото тяло?
всички толкова лицемерно скърбят днес?
да ги прости мъртвите!
четвъртък, 1 ноември 2012 г.
Лицемери ли сме в Деня на народните будители?
Скептичен и резервиран съм в Деня на народните будители
днес, 1.11.
Някои от хората, на които се възхищавах като дете и заради
които поисках да стана журналист, се оказаха агенти на Държавна сигурност.
Други се оказаха нечистоплътни... духовно.
Трети гледат повече в портмонето си, отколкото в писалката.
Казват, че трябва да помним будителите. Че трябва да има
нови будители.
Защо трябва да слагаме етикети на хората около нас или на
самите нас.
Аз просто водя един сутрешен блок, в който се опитвам да
събудя хората приятно, за да е хубав денят им.
Пиша каквото си искам в моите книги, без да се съобразявам
дали текстът ще се хареса на писатели, близки до ЦК на БКП...
Според мен, лицемерни сме днес, говорейки за 1.11. като Ден
на народните будители.
Защото не помним кой е Паисий, знаем го само като „Паисий
Не помним Раковски, знаем го като улица в София.
Не знаем кой е авторът на „Вятър ечи, Балкан стене”. Мислим, че е песен на Слави Трифонов.
Затова съм скептичен и резервиран на 1.11. , Деня на
народните будители.
А ако някой иска - да
ме опровергае. J
сряда, 31 октомври 2012 г.
OMG. The boy who wanted to kill Death
Chapter 4
exhalations of life
Peter Sunshine was standing before the Spring of life where somebody had placed a plate with his name on it. The Spring was gradually running dry.
sensation of seeing the inevitability of one’s own death could not be compared
with anything else. Except with death
since Peter had never died before, he didn’t have a clear idea what exactly
death was. Yet, he felt the ghostly
embrace of something that resembled a try for an icy kiss – he had experienced a similar sensation during his
granny’s funeral – he remembered the open coffin in the church, all the relatives were supposed to walk by the body of
the old woman for a final farewell. Peter had cried
the previous night, he didn’t cry at the funeral, but his eyes were misty and watery, one could see the grief in his eyes. He saw everybody touching the dead woman’s hand, while
walking past the coffin and realized that he was supposed to do the same. “That’s the proper thing to do!” He didn’t have any idea who had made up this rule,
he wondered who could determine what was proper and what wasn’t. He took his
courage though; he stopped by his granny’s body and touched her dead hand with his little palm. The icy taste of death pierced his body, at first he felt as if the dead woman would grasp him
by the hand that very moment, and drag him right into the coffin with her. He
instinctively moved back, he almost toppled down the huge vases full of flowers,
placed near the coffin.
all night he saw coffins in his dreams; coffins that were opening and closing. All
sorts of dead people were laying in them; people with indistinct faces who were
calling him, trying to reach him with their hands in the dark. He was pulling himself back so desperately, that
at one moment he fell down from his bed.
Peter Sunshine was only ten years old but he realized
he was going to die.
Spring of life was running dry and he had nowhere to get life-giving water to
fill the Spring up. He neither had the
strength to do it, nor did he know where to find this life-giving water...
* * *
at the foot of the Sunnypeak mountain, Tommy Sunshine didn’t know his brother
was going to die. He had the feeling though, that Peter was in great danger,
and that he had to hurry up and find him before it was too late.
Tommy set off as Peter had directed him in the dream – he had to pass
through nine mountains to reach the tenth one – right at the end of
the world. Jack, the Dalmatian was
dogging his footsteps, so closely tailed after him, that from a distance, the
boy and the dog appeared as one whole.
older of Sunshine brothers had undertaken his journey to save Peter, but he didn’t have any idea what to expect. He didn’t know what obstacles and dangers he was about
to go through. He didn’t know that those nine mountains wouldn’t be the
greatest hardship at all. On his way to the
tenth mountain he was going to come across creatures no one else had ever seen
before. No one before had ever dared
to go to the Black Castle ,
where the Black man lived. Moreover, he
didn’t know where exactly he was going...
* * *
The, in
the Springs of life Garden, inside the Black Castle ,
Peter was about to faint once again after he had been ravished by the Black
man’s magic chest. He felt his breath
was pushing to exhale out of his mouth, never to return again. He rubbed his
eyes, which were gradually losing images of the surrounding world and kneeled
down by the Spring. He felt dizzy, he
could not keep his balance, so he laid down on the stone flooring between the
Springs and he seemed to have surrendered.
robin bird in his bosom tried to flutter with its wings, and then it grew quiet.
beautiful lady dressed in a purple mantle, standing under an arch on the upper
floor, was looking down at Peter who was lying there – unconscious and helpless.
* * *
through the trails of Sunnypeak mountain, Tommy didn’t have time to rejoice at the two newborn foxes, that had slept well the previous night and, now, were
playing in the grass. Neither had he time to watch the lonesome doe that had come to the creek, nor to listen to the bird songs. The mother fox took a
careful look at the boy from the
bushes, she was calm – the boy had not caused any harm to her cubs.
he had to walk all the long way to reach Peter as soon as possible.
* * *
in Sunnytown, a bitter feeling woke Mrs. Sunshine up. She felt as if something pierced her heart, the same sensation
one experiences shortly before he gets stricken by heart attack. Elena had been
up almost all night, not only because
of the black clouds that were threatening the town; Elena just couldn’t accept the fact that another day
had passed and the police could still
not detect any traces of Peter. Nobody had called
or messaged her with a ransom demand; there was no
evidence of a sinister crime in the woods, or in the trunk of a car, abandoned
in the fields, for example... There was…nothing. This lack of information, the fact she didn’t know
what happened to her child was worse than the waiting itself. Nothing terrified her more than the thought that the
worst could have happened to her child... the most
frightening thought for a parent…
Elena Sunshine
quickly washed her face and went to the kitchen. She hadn’t forgotten her daily
duties and care for her husband and Tommy, so she decided to make some crispy
little patties for breakfast. Mr. Sunshine
always got up early in the morning to go to the confectionary first, he came
back home every morning at 7.30 and they always had breakfast together – the
four of them.
The three
of them now… Elena didn’t know
where Peter was, she didn’t have any idea whether he had anything for breakfast
at all.
entered the kitchen and took the large glass bowl to whip the eggs in it. She took the bowl with one hand, then she turned to
take the white cotton kitchen towel to mop it and… she dropped the bowl.
glass bowl fell and broke into dozens of pieces on the floor.
was a note on the table.
“Mom, I’m going out there to save Peter.Don’t you worry, everything is going to be all right. We’ll be back the moment the Sun rises again above
Sunnytown. Wait for us. Tommy”.
Elena Sunshine
realized that only two people had remained in the house for breakfast. Eating was the last thing though, that would interest
her and Mr. Sunshine - that and the
following mornings.
their sons had taken the roads of destiny. Nobody knew where these roads would
lead them, nobody knew how long one should follow these roads to find salvation. If salvation were to be found at all…
* * *
who had collapsed near the Spring of life, was still lying there lifeless. Being only 10, he was a brave boy. He knew how to fight and not to surrender.
elegant lady, dressed in a crimson mantle,
had been watching him from the second floor of the castle, pushed a brick in the wall and entered in a dark room
which in reality wasn’t so dark. There was no light
there at all, but all the objects could be
clearly seen, because of the thousands of
monitors that made the darkness visible.
on these huge monitors the woman was watching the life of different people – men, women and children, various people who were at their work place, at their homes, at the
supermarket, at the cinema hall, visiting their
neighbors’, at the hospital, in the maternity
ward, or sitting on a bench at a
bus stop...
woman was examining their lives. Some of the
monitors died out occasionally, never to start again...
* * *
had easily got over Sunnypeak and was climbing up the second mountain now. He wasn’t feeling any fatigue, Jack was full of energy
too, which made the boy hurry along. He had no time to
second mountain was a woody one – three different
woods covered its slopes – The Orange wood, the Sheet Iron wood and the Silver wood. These three areas were clearly outlined, as if they
had no common ground – they seemed to
exist essentially. Tommy wondered for
a moment – which of the three was the most frightful one... He didn’t really know what sort of sensation fear was. A coward would not start looking for his brother, who had been kidnapped by a magic black chest. Jack found all of the three forests equally exiting - he would sink into the fallen leaves and play with them,
he would find a stick and gnaw it for fun on their way through the forest. The Dalmation didn’t know that tin and silver are no
good for gnawing at all. He didn’t have the
slightest idea who was lurking behind those trees.
* * *
in the Hall of Life, the woman was holding something that looked like a remote
control – it was, though, larger and
pliable – a sponge-like object. With this remote control the woman managed to control
all the cameras that showed the lives of thousands of people. She was able to
have a look at all the objects around those people, as well as the other
people. She would draw the lens to certain faces so close that you could see
the pores of their skins. Then she would blur the images, twisting the cameras, choosing some sudden standpoints towards the Living
* * *
and Jack passed the Orange wood and made their
way into the Tin wood. The boy told himself he had to look out for dry sticks
or weeds that could cut him. The dog sniffed
around, and not detecting any tasteful smells, lost interest in the wood and
just kept on following Tommy – they were like two silhouettes, merging in one
were approaching the Silver wood.
Tommy had read piles of books and lots of films about vampires. He knew
vampires could be killed only by a silver bullet. And in this forest you could find silver for a load of silver bullets! He only hoped he wouldn’t have to use the silver
for this purpose. Moreover, vampires
ruled at night, and it was a day in the Silver wood.
farther they walked from Sunnytown, the clearer they could see the black,
cloudy shield that was hanging over the town. With each pace it became lighter and sunnier. Oddly, the clouds had seemingly marked the exact
borders of the town and looked like an ugly lid. Only, there was no one there
to roll this lid out of the town...
sky was sunny above the Silver wood, the trees reflected the sunny rays like
mirrors – now and then, and all that light was dazzling the boy and his
loyal friend – the Dalmatian Jack. The rays were
tickling the dog’s nose, making him sneeze.
The black spots on his fur didn’t look so black under the sunny rays. Those silvery reflections dazzled Tommy as well,
he wasn’t quite sure they were walking in the right direction but ever since
they had set out, he had the feeling that he didn’t need to think where he was
going. Somebody or something was just guiding them. He just had to confide in his
feet – they knew where they were going.
silver arms of the trees resembled frail and fragile icicles. Nevertheless, the
wind scampered among them, making a weird whizz that sounded a bit scary, but
Tommy had promised himself that he wouldn’t be afraid of anything.
suddenly stopped and started choking.
turned round, squatted for a moment and patted the dog’s back.
drew back immediately, as he felt as if an invisible, ice-cold hand was holding
the dog’s throat. Jack couldn’t
breathe. Then, in the silvery
reflections of the nearby trees, he saw clearly the dog’s breath as it was
floating out of the dog’s mouth. The dog’s breath curved up in the air like a
cuckoo clock spring that was about to break any moment...
was sucking the dog’s breath away.
had no idea what to do. He started waving
his hands around to chase away the invisible assailant, but his arms swung around
without direction, making him look like a broken windmill.
* * *
in the black castle, Peter was still lying near his spring of life, without showing
any signs of being here, within these boundaries, without being aware that his
brother had already set out from Sunnytown to come here.
* * *
Jack’s breath was
coming out of his mouth like a thin thread.
couldn’t believe that the dog’s life depended on this thread. He was careful not to make a sudden move, or else, he
thought, the thread would just tear up...
Tommy didn’t
know that the Whispereaters lived in the Silver wood. They were distantly
related to the Shapeshifters and the vampires. They were invisible creatures, therefore they would easily take their
victims by surprise. The Whispereaters
served the Black Man. They had voluntarily offered him to attack the people who
were passing through the Silver wood and thus they took some new breathless
bodies to the Black
Castle .
Whispereaters were invisible. The elderly people told stories about them – the
Whispereaters usually walked barefoot and left no traces. The only sign of
their presence was the weird whisper that their miserable victims used to hear seconds
before being attacked in the woods. The Whispereaters didn’t smother their victims;
they usually sucked their breath out. A whisper that ate human breath… It
sounded really scary...
Tommy was unaware of all these things. He was about to learn the truth in a
very little while.
* * *
elegant lady, dressed in a crimson robe, took the remote control that helped
her control the life screens of thousands of people, and left it on a table
that was in the corner of the huge hall, then walked away. She stopped for a
while at the marble terrace, took a brief look at Peter who was lying on the
stones, then walked on, to the right watch tower where the Black man had
already been waiting for her.
* * *
turned sharply around; he had heard some noise from the silver bushes. Jack’s throat was wheezing, his was about to lose his
last reserves of breath.
Mother Fox of Sunnytown jumped out of the silver bushes.
was a grateful vixen; she knew how to appreciate a gesture of kindness.
Earlier, while crossing the mountain, Tommy didn’t hurt her children who were
playing jauntily in the grass.
Whispereaters in the Silver wood could be defeated only by a Silver Fox. This
one was the right one.
The Fox jumped
upon the invisible assailant who had taken Jack, she bit the Whispereater’s
hand that was holding the dog. Several drops of blood trickled down on the
silver leaves. The creature that
was trying to take away the dog’s life lost its invisibility when it was
Suddenly Tommy and the stressed dog saw a crooked, gnomish creature that
had four, instead of two lips. It looked more like an ant-eater if you looked
at his muzzle. The whispereater tried to break free from the fox’s bite, but
the fox was holding him tight.
mother of the two fox cubs, who weren’t aware they would become exactly like
her one day, shook the whispereater. It was a little, gnomish creature and she
tossed him towards the nearby silver tree.
silver stick stubbed him right in the heart, his body shrunk and he disappeared
for a few seconds. Vampires vanish
exactly the same way when you shoot them with a silver bullet, Tommy recalled.
only was the Silver Fox a grateful animal, but she was well mannered, too. Tommy was not surprised when she spoke to him in
a human language and told him she was sorry she’d come a bit late, because she
couldn’t find anybody to take care of her cubs. The Fox told him what sort of
creatures the whispereaters were and warned him to be careful, because they
never went hunting by themselves. It was quite
possible that other whispereaters were stalking in the bushes at that moment...
Jack was still coughing, which was very unusual for a dog. He even took his paw
in front of his mouth, because he too, was a well-mannered dog. The worst had passed though, the Dalmatian was quickly
recovering. The whispereater hadn’t taken his breath away, after all.
vixen was surprised that the whispereater had attacked the dog instead of Tommy. When she mentioned the Black man, whom the
whispereaters served, her words convinced the boy they were going in the right
direction. The fox was still at a loss,
why Jack had been chosen for a victim. She suggested that this dog was a very
important dog because these ugly creatures had tried to leave him breathless.
realized that someone obviously didn’t want the dog in this rescue trip and at
that instant he realized how fortunate he was to have Jack.
vixen escorted them through the Silver wood. They parted and hoped they
wouldn’t need her help again. She showed Tommy a short cut to the third mountain
and warned them to look out for the itching ants. One bite by these ants could
cause a terrible itch on the whole body of the victim.
the silver fox disappeared in the Silver wood, she had to go back to her two
cubs. They were waiting for her to tell them the good night fairytale about the
ugly creatures that sucked human breath...
and Jack went on ahead. The dog didn’t look so confident in his walk, but he
was doing his best to follow the boy closely. The elder of the Sunshine
brothers frequently turned back to see if his friend was all right.
* * *
Black man was standing there, in the right watch tower of the black castle. He
was waiting for the lady in the crimson robe to come. A little notebook was lying on the table. If one looked carefully, one would notice the drops of
blood on the leather cover of the notebook.
превод: Гергана Бахчисарайцева
четвъртък, 25 октомври 2012 г.
Кучешко сърце
Заедно с Диана Костова сърдечно благодарим за подкрепата и за голямата посещаемост на прожекцията на документалния филм "Кучешко сърце" в кино "Одеон" на 23 октомври. Радваме се, че толкова много хора не са безразлични към това, че кучетата също имат сърца.
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